Fans of Pagani's Zonda (that is, everyone) may want to turn away. In what could only be called a crime against nature, this Pagani Zonda S is said to have hit spun out and gotten intimate with a pole. That's what you call an "Oh sh!t" moment.
The result: one of the largest insurance claims filed for a privately-owned car in the UK (at £300,000 / ~$445,000), according to insurer Aviva.
Also, it's been said that the person behind the wheel was taking it for a test drive and that the owner was riding shotgun...
The driver ended up filing the claim, and...IT WAS SIR JACKIE STEWART! That is, unless Sir Jackie's spokesman is telling the truth, in which case, that's egg on my face. Here's what he said: "Sir Jackie wasn't in the country. He's never driven the car and doesn't know the owner."
Regardless, the Zonda's been sent to Modena for repairs. Fair enough; I wouldn't want to get rid of my baby, either, write-off or not.
I wonder how having a former F1 World Champion affects resale value? Mr. Schumacher, would you be interested in totaling a '99 Chrysler in the near future?
- By Phil Alex