Auto 2011
Auto 2011

Chinese Hybrid Sports Car Mixes Audi R8 and Ferrari Styling Traits

It has come to the point where this blatant copying of Western car designs from Chinese auto manufacturers is getting totally ridiculous. The Tong Jian S11 that was reportedly revealed at the Shanghai Motor Show earlier this year but somehow escaped our radars, borrows several styling cues from a number of vehicles including the Audi R8-esque profile and the Ferrari-inspired tail design.

The Tong Jian S11 is said to be a hybrid sports car that presumably combines electric motors with an internal combustion engine. There are no specific details on the car's mechanics nor if it is scheduled to enter production at some point.

Via: Leblogauto & , Images: Goche Sohu

Tong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports Car Tong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports CarTong Jian S11 Hybrid China Sports Car