Auto 2011
Auto 2011

"Stolen" Ford Fiesta Travesty Continues: Car Found in NYC Impound Lot - Bronstein Renowned for his Publicity Stunts

The whole 'stolen' Ford Fiesta Movement story had more holes than a block of Swiss cheese to begin with, but now things have become more clear. The owner of the car, 'MacHammer' Jake Bronstein announced that he found the allegedly stolen Fiesta locked up in a New York City impound lot... We're so appalled that we're not even going to continue with the details. But what we would like to add is that even though we didn't see it mentioned on other sites, a quick search on the internet reveals that Bronstein has made a name for himself as a publicity stunt artist - even Wikipedia has an article on him as you can see after the jump. And some wonder why Ford chose Bronstein for the Fiesta Movement test cars...

From Wikipedia: Jake Bronstein Publicity Stunts

"Other highlights include his bizarre public stunts, such as bathing in Bryant Park Fountai, taking advantage of a loophole to get into the NBA draft. eBaying the lead singer position in his band, offering himself for marriage, freeing a fish into New York's East River, launching a 50 Dates in 50 States quest by soliciting invites from women on the web, and offering 1,000 strangers a hand-written love letter.

He is also the inventor of the Fun Idea Machine and recently started a text system designed to kill boredom by letting people text NEED FUN to 30644 for fun ideas, for free, by phone. He appeared on CBS Sunday Morning drinking a full bottle of maple syrup to set a new world record."

Link: Zoomdoggle