Auto 2011
Auto 2011

Most Unusual Items Left in Rental Cars

It doesn’t matter if it’s a hotel room or rental car; however hard they try, people always manage to forget something behind. But while a CD or a pair of sunglasses is nothing out of the ordinary, leaving a false leg or a… cooked sausage behind the engine of a rental car is unusual to say the least. After surveying its UK branches, Europcar came up with a list of the strangest items found in the back of returned vans and cars.

The items range from cash and… furry handcuffs to a wheelchair and colostomy bags! Europcar’s staff in Liverpool also found a pair or white, ladies shoes under the passenger seat of a car returned by a regular customer. They rang his home, but his wife answered and said the shoes were not hers… The staff explained that they had probably been left by the previous customer. According to Europcar, his wife was understanding – wonder if she has any available sisters... -See the list after the jump

(Picture: CarScoop)

Most Common Items Left in Europcar’s Rental Cars

  • Sunglasses
  • CDs
  • Keys
  • Mobile Phone
  • Sat Nav
  • Umbrellas
  • Wallets

Unusual Items Left in Europcar’s Rental Cars

  • A false leg (Liverpool)
  • A stocking (Hull)
  • A mannequin (Hull)
  • Furry Handcuffs (Yeovil)
  • 50 Fluorescent Light bulbs (Hamilton)
  • A Scottish Piper's Black Ostrich Hat (Hamilton)
  • A printer (Aylesbury)
  • A toy elephant (Milton Keynes)
  • A car full of flowers (Stansted)
  • A wheelchair (Bradford)
  • An ammunition case and stretcher (Reading)
  • Half a pint of beer with a CD called ‘The Art of Speed Seduction’ (Reading)
  • A pair of ladies black pants (Sheffield)
  • £300 cash (Sheffield)
  • Colostomy bags (Sheffield)
  • 10 odd pairs of shoes (Salford)
  • A cooked sausage – behind the engine! (Exeter)