Auto 2011
Auto 2011

EU: Electronic Stability Control to be Standard on all Vehicles from 2014

The European Commission has confirmed a new proposal for the mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control, (ESC or ESP) on all new cars and commercial vehicles sold in the EU from 2012, with all new cars being equipped by 2014. According to the Commission, the new policy could help prevent up to 4,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries a year on Europe’s roads, where less than half of the cars currently sold are fitted with this –lets face it- vital safety system.

It is believed that under normal driving conditions, ESC can reduce accidents by more than 20% while even more importantly under wet or icy conditions, the accident reduction rate increases between 30 and 40%. -Continued

At the same time the European Commission proposed the compulsory introduction in 2012 of low rolling resistance tires (LRRT), which save on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (up to 7 gram of CO2 per km). Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are expected to be further reduced with the proposed introduction of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems.

European Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen, responsible for Enterprise and Industry, stated: "We are simplifying legislation. We are improving road safety. We are promoting fuel efficiency. We are presenting a modern integrated policy approach beneficiary for citizens, for the environment and the industry.''